My Older Legacy Literary Blog

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

To Blog or Not to Blog

I don’t have a blog yet because I just refer people to far more interesting pre-internet blogs which were books back then, such as Jean Cocteau’s Diaries or the famous 20th century song-cyclist Ned Rorem’s Paris Diaries. Andy Warhol’s diaries published after his death were simply transcribed from tape recordings because he was too lazy to write down his musings (gossip) apparently.

I may consider a blog or simply send out scintillating remnants of bon mots via bulletins, far less worthy than the likes of those chronicled by Auden and Cronenberger, such as Dorothy Parker. 

I feel I have nothing much to say on a daily basis worthy of being entrapped in an internet audit stamp on the electronic sprawl.Here is just a trial balloon bulletin.

In 1988, I wrote a science fiction novel called MOVIETONE MARS, which was pre-internet, and I predicted that in the future everyone would be his/her own semi-celebrity and have his/her own 15 minute television show. With the advent of reality television shows, blogs, Twitter, Skype, Myspace, Facebook, internet webcams and Youtube, there may be something to it..

I have a nondescript life with as much excitement as the the Elephant Man subsisting on potatoes in the carnival, living here in the wondrous peasant state of Louisiana, so I do not have much to describe daily living on a blog diary. I’ve written voluminous correspondence pre-internet, about 11 thickly bound volumes of single space epistolary discourse that would make a pulp writer nod slightly with agreement as he reaches for his canned A & P Spagetti. 

So I’m sending this much the way candidates now set up exploratory committees to see if they will run for office or whether they have stomach gas.

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